111 Titles

Perspectives the formation of an effective model of human resources in Georgian organizational culture
May 11, 2020

The Need of use the "Progressive Model" of Organizational Behavior in the Higher Education System (Academic Staff Competition-Attestation Assessment)
May 7, 2020

Human Resource Evaluation and Management Models In the Education System (Organizational Behavior in Education)
May 7, 2020

Wild vine Vitis vinifera ssp sylvestris Gmel. (Beck.) Study of wetness of ampelographic and phenological phases at Jighaura experimental base
December 3, 2019

Issues of distribution of tax authority between the various state governments and the various levels of management
November 25, 2019

საბანკო სისტემის სტაბილურობის უზრუნველყოფის ზოგიერთი თეორიულ-მეთოდოლოგიური საკითხი
November 25, 2019
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