Law of congruent action of attitude and reversive evaluation
set, set laws, attitude, congruentive, reversion, evaluation.Synopsis
Tradicional understanding of the Set and existing approaches do not reveal all their diversity. They appear on the basis of the multifactority of the conditions for its functioning. On the basis of a new approach we can talk about the following Set’s phenomena: 1) 3 law of the Set – “Law of the reversive evaluation”, Law of the Set’s congruent action” and “Law of the congruent action and reversive evaluation of the Set”. 2) 3 Set relations – “evaluation-evaluation”, “action-evaluation” and “action-action”. 3) 3 Set categories – “subjective state”, “Attitude” and “ Set for action”. 4) 3 types of Set – “cognitive Set”, “emotional Set” and “conative Set”. By minimalistic calculations, they create 27 combinations (3 x 3 x 3 = 27). Among them the most advanced is the “Attitude” which, in turn, is associated with the “action-evaluation” relationship and the “emotional Set”. Attitude, as one of the categories of Set, finds its great use in human relations, in the marketing etc. Attitude, more realistically describes typical human activities and gives wide opportunities to predictit his actions.
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