Human Resource Evaluation and Management Models In the Education System (Organizational Behavior in Education)
human resources, evaluation, management model, attitude, competition, certification.Synopsis
In recent years, there has been growing dissatisfaction at universities in the matter of adequately assessing and managing the activities of academic personnel. Particular acuteness arises during incorrectly held contests when people are undeservedly left without work. A successful solution to this problem is possible by improving the rules of the competitions. To preserve and develop the intellectual potential of the university, it is necessary that its academic staff with a great pedagogical and professional experience be protected from the mentioned ambiguities and transferred to the certification mode, which will properly assess their contribution with a subsequent increase in motivation and increase in labor efficiency. The article considers 4 models of personnel assessment and management (“Progressive model”, “Business model”, “Formal model”, “Authoritarian model”), among which the use of the “Progressive model” creates the best conditions for the preservation of human capital and its effective use, which significantly increases the performance indicators of higher education institution.
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