Electrocardiogram processing system - Data analysis processing
Electrocardiogram processing systemSynopsis
Nowadays, an increasing number of problems caused by sudden cardiac death is a major challenge, which is the root cause of many of the one less controlled loads and as a result caused by cardiac problems. Unregulated load time getting pathologically changed heart - excessive fatigue, intense exercise, which may in some cases be caused less controlled loads. Such factors affect the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system leads to an abnormal transformation, eg .: Pulse heart rhythm disturbance of the heart's blood-giving norm falling out, etc. These diseases can be computer-software using the R-R intervals (most often met rhythm) and determining their sequence through the filter. Heart rate variability (HRV) is psychological phenomenon of heart rate fluctuation between intervals. Also used to mark the terms RR, which means the variation of the heart rhythm of work (where R represents the highest point of the ECG wave), and the cycle length variability.
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