Wild vine Vitis vinifera ssp sylvestris Gmel. (Beck.) Study of wetness of ampelographic and phenological phases at Jighaura experimental base
Wild vine. Ampelography. PhenologySynopsis
Georgia is one of the oldest country of the World in which the history of wine making and viticulture began 8000 years ago. The country owns 525 autochthonous varieties of grapes taking the starting point from the wild grape Vitis vinifera ssp sylvestris Gmel. That is why the investigation of the wild grapevine has crucial purpose to learn biodiversity of this plant, to describe its ampelographic diversity and trying to make strategy about preservation. In this article are provided the results of investigation of 28 genotypes of wild grapevine, originated from Kakheti, Kartli and Lechkhumi provinces of Georgia and planted in Jighaura collection of the Scientific –Research Center of Agriculture. The study has been done by the modern methods of ampelography, phenology, in 2017 and 2018. Two well-known cultivars Saperavi (N) from Georgia and Cabernet Sauvignon (N) from France
have been used as a control varieties. The research was done at Caucasus International University and the Scientific – Research Center of Agriculture during 2017-2018 vegetative seasons and has been supported by Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation.
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