Perspectives the formation of an effective model of human resources in Georgian organizational culture
organization, human resource management, Japanese model of management, organizational culture.Synopsis
The article shows the leading role of human resource management in the development of organizations. Analyzed the evolutionary process of the models of human resource management, it clearly be seen the growth of humanistic tendencies towards the people working in the organization. These tendencies are clearly expressed in the modern theories of management, particularly, in the "Harvard School" and reach its culmination in Japanese management. It is known, that Japanese management is characterized by the highest level of efficiency. All this gives raise the interest to the elements of Japanese model of management which has been used to improve the efficiency of the Georgian organizations. After our investigation of 20 organizations it is clear that there is a dominance of middle level of the organizational climate, which is not conducive for the stable development process of the organization. Within the context of human relationships, Indicators of a democratic style of leadership are a little above the average, and the other component of the democratic process - employee participation in decision-making, is well below the average. As we can see, the democratic process in the organizational practice of workers represented poorly, which is completely opposite to the specific of Japanese management. In the same organizations was investigated conflict (by K. Thomas) in which subsequently became clear that the preferred strategy is "avoidance", and the least popular strategy is "cooperation", which also is completely opposite to the specific of Japanese management. It seems, that Japanese model of management may be very helpful to increase the productivity of human resources. In the case of the implementation of some elements of the Japanese model of human resource management in Georgian organizations, these undesirable results, with a high probability, can change for the better and lead to increase the efficiency of these organizations.
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