Safe ventilation of tunnels using transformable elements
The paper considers the nature of the damaging factors formed during the fires of different strengths, initiated and developed in horizontal and variously inclined road tunnels, and their relationship with tunnel shape, geometry, inclination, critical velocity of air flow, as well as backlayering distance of smoke and other combustion products in the tunnel. The value of the duration of evacuation time necessary to save the lives of people in the danger zone during a fire in a tunnel is calculated.
In order to improve the fire safety management systems and rescue the lives of people in extreme conditions, flexible transformable systems are proposed, which during a fire in a tunnel, at the expense of the increased aerodynamic resistance, will prevent the spread of harmful combustion products on the way of evacuation of people. The efficiency of the above device is studied by numerical and physical modelling for tunnels with different gradients for different fire strengths and scenarios.
A numerical modelling method was used to study the correlation between the backlayering distance of the carbon monoxide propagation and the air flow velocity in the ventilation and fire ducts and the efficiency of flexible transformable systems for the corresponding boundary conditions in case of a 100 MW fire in a horizontal tunnel equipped with a semi-transverse air ventilation system. The results show that the use of transformable systems gives at least 10% of the effect in reducing the backlayering distance of propagation of smoke and other combustion products.
The nature of the propagation of damaging factors in a horizontal tunnel equipped with a longitudinal air distribution ventilation system in case of 5, 10, 30 and 50 MW fires when the tunnel ventilation system fails and transformable systems are activated is assessed and compared to the tunnel scenario without transformable systems. The results of the numerical simulations show that when 50% of the tunnel cross section is closed by a transformable system, significant positive results in limiting the spread of combustion products and saving human lives can be obtained.
The propagation of combustion products from fires of different strengths of 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 50 MW is considered in tunnels up to 400 m long, with tunnel inclinations on models of 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9% and tunnel cross-sectional area of 42.5 m2. The dynamic change of the damaging factors such as carbon monoxide and temperature due to the “chimney effect” is demonstrated. Modelling is performed with FDS software using a finite-volume method. The time of the simulated process is 180 s. The minimum finite volume cell size is 0.25 x 0.25 x 0.25 m. The fire seat is located in the central part of the tunnel. The obtained results are given in the plane of the central longitudinal section of the tunnel. The boundary condition is given as an increase in dynamic pressure caused by the height difference between the portals in normal conditions.
The variation of the critical velocity depending on the tunnel slope, characteristic value of this variation - the gradient coefficient, and the pattern of smoke propagation are studied. The said values are observed on the tunnel model for varying air temperatures. Measurements are made with K-type thermocouples with open and closed sensors. The maximum possible temperature measured is 800°C. The thermocouples are placed in holes made in the ceiling of the model tunnel. The distance between the holes is 5 and 10 cm, which corresponds to the natural tunnel length of 5 and 10 m. The fire is simulated by natural gas. Simultaneous readings from thermocouples, as well as air and gas flow meters, primary analysis and data digitalization are done with data taker DT85.
The present paper proposes a simple flexible device that will allow a section of the tunnel to be completely or partially closed off, divide the tunnel into relatively short sections and simultaneously completely or partially isolate the seat of fire within the time interval sufficient to save lives. According to a special directive, this time interval is the first 10 minutes from the onset of fire. So, the proposed device will increase the aerodynamic resistance of the tunnel, prevent the spread of combustion products together with the ventilation flow and is a part of the ventilation system. We would like to emphasize that the prerogative of the proposed device is to help save lives. However, if such a device is installed in the tunnel, both the tunnel staff and the lifeguards will definitely have more opportunities to control the ventilation flow and the toxic combustion products moving together with it. The above-mentioned device may be installed every 200 to 500 m and somehow aligned with the tunnel emergency exits, which must be provided at specified locations. Or, it can be installed near the emergency stations at 150 m intervals for new tunnels and 250 m intervals for old tunnels, as provided for in the new tunnel safety regulations. In this way, the partitioning system will be placed in a tunnel in sections defined by the relevant standards and it must be transformable depending on the geometry of a tunnel cross-section.
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