Biomechanics and Kinesiology
In the book, the authors review the postulates and regularities of biomechanics and kinesiology, describe the biomechanical properties of cells, tissues, organs, systems, which contribute to the interdependence and normal functioning of cells, tissues, organs and systems. The book consists of 2 sections: Biomechanics I and Biomechanics II. The materials presented in the book is intended for a course of 100 and more hours. The text is illustrated with 180 images. Perception and the study of functional relationships were facilitated represented by the formulas. A description of laboratory works and the sequence of their implementation is included in the book as an appendix. For self-assessment of the material passed, the book provides a list of discussion issues. The book helps to combine theory and practical approaches in the field of biomechanics, develops the skills of multidisciplinary discussion of facts and events, which is very important for specialists in the field of medicine. The book is recommended for students of all levels of medical education, researchers, all interested parties. For them and for practicing physicians, rehabilitators, health professionals, and represetivests of theoretical biomedical area, the book will serve as a textbook.
• გოცირიძე ნ. ცოცხალი სისტემების ბიომექანიკა. თბილისი , 2008. ISBN 978-9941-0-1816-9. გვ.43
• გოცირიძე ნ. სტატისტიკის ზოგიერთი საკითხები მედიცინაში. თბილისი , 2009. ISBN 978-9941-01815-2. გვ. 59
• სანიკიძე თ. სამედიცინო ფიზიკა. მესამე გამოცემა, თბილისი , 2020. ISBN 978-994-109-1681. გვ. 335
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• Gotsiridze N. Medical Biomechanics with Kinesiology. Tbilisi, 2009. ISBN 978-9941-0-1817- 6. 188 p.
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• Sanikidze T. Biological and Medical Physics: vol. 2. 2016, Poland West Pomeranian University of chnology. ISBN 978-83-7663-232-2. 279 p.


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