This is an outdated version published on 2022-02-01. Read the most recent version.

Passports of wines produced from the several grape varieties from western Georgia: Project was fulfilled by financial support of the Georgian National Science Foundation (Grant AP/96/13 and 216816).


Maia Kharadze; Maia Vanidze; Aleko Kalandia; Indira Japaridze; Ruslan Davitadze


Wine, Grape, Sugar Content, Acidity, Phenolic Compounds, Organic Acids


The above project was fulfilled by financial support of the Georgian National Science Foundation (Grant AP/96/13 and 216816). Any idea in this publication is possessed by the authors and may not represent the opinion of the Georgian National Science Foundation.

The monograph is dedicated to the study of chemical composition of several wines produced from the grape varieties in western Georgia using modern analytical methods. The results are used to create passports for these wines that would indicate correlation between the chemical composition of the wine, its varietal origin and geographical origin.

Monography will be interesting for the specialists from the fields of agriculture and food technology such as experts, students, farmers, and manufacturers.


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Author Biography

Maia Kharadze

Chemistry Department,  PhD


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February 1, 2022
