The Role of Endogenous Peptides in the Systemic Self-Regulation of Organisms
Peptide, Self-regulation, Systemic self-regulation, Peptide-hormone, HomeostasisSynopsis
Regulatory peptides are a wide group of biologically active compounds that affect the current physiological processes in living organisms. Peptides are synthesized in the organism of all biological species, from bacteria to mammals. From a biological point of view, the regulatory peptides have a versatile effect on the organism, they can act as neurotransmitters, neuromodulators, hormones, growth factors, cytokines, etc..The regulatory systems are necessary for all multicellular organisms, to control the function of the cell, to unite it, into one whole organism. In the first half of the 20th century, it was believed that, there were three types of such systems: nervous, immune and endocrine. It was considered that, these systems functioned independently andtheir interaction just was an exceptions. In the 60s of the 20th century, was accumulated enough scientific data, according to which the biologically active peptides were the determining factors of the joint action of the above systems.For today, the physicochemical properties, their specific action, synthetic analogues of physiologically active peptides have been explored.The chemical synthesis of regulatory peptides has been implemented and their therapeutic effects on the human body have been proven.The monograph presents the effect of endogenous peptides on various physiological processes in biological organisms, aslo theirstructural construction and mechanisms of action. In addition, there is discussed, the use and perspectives,of both natural and artificial peptides in medicine.
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