Dimensions of the non-human economy and the energy impulses to humanize it
The processes of coercion of the current Georgian economy are discussed as the realization of the privileges of minorities, when it becomes an inhuman, violent institution from the natural functions of population service, and the expression of which is the degradation of economic thinking, hatred, reincarnation of slavery, greed, economic old age. Such energy charges for the dehumanization of the economy are presented, such as the moral responsibility for the arrangement of the economy (divine love), the Orthodox Church, and the government as a condition for the separation of governance functions between unity and the need for cooperation; Renewal of public awareness in the national interest of improving the welfare of the homeland. The book is intended for masters and doctoral students, as well as for readers interested in the problems of the new economy. Let's think about something, we probably mean the idea. Yeah, that's the way it should be.
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