Using of biological preparations in citrus plantation


Nunu Kutaladze
Zurab Mikeladze
Sophio Papunidze
Tamar Gogolishvili


citrus, tangerine, biofertilizer, soil, plant


Our goal is to include technologies in citrus agrotechnical measures that will significantly increase soil fertility, have a positive effect on plant growth and development, natural storage capacity of mandarin fruits, yield and its quality indicators. For this purpose, in the conditions of a rather large-scale experiment conducted by us, some ecologically clean biopreparations (inosectofungicides) along with mineral fertilizers were included in the complex of agrotechnical measures. We started the preliminary experimental work and then, under the conditions of the stationary field trial, we carried out experimental work on Ukrainian-made insectofungicides "Gaufsin", on various preparations of Spanish production: Bactofert, Bitoxybacillin, Bactocid CK. Biopreparations were used in the trial garden according to the trial scheme. We included nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium fertilizers in the form of Russian-made NPK fertilizer, where each nutrient element is 15-15-15%. Also, we applied the fertilizer Bactofert provided in the trial scheme in May, June, July, August when the relevant diseases were in active phase. At the beginning and end of the vegetation period, according to the test options, we took soil samples at a depth of 0-20 cm and studied the agrochemical parameters in laboratory conditions.


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May 16, 2024